Derivative product suite offering traders the ability to gain exposure to beta and alpha opportunities through a regulated avenue
Derivatives on the FRNT trading platform are built for institutions requiring a high regulatory bar and differentiated products
Synthetic exposure to underlying assets, fully collateralized.
Exposure to a particular token, basket of assets, multi-leg structured product.
Operating under an OSC exemption to service 'permitted clients.'
BASIS is a structured product aiming to capture spreads in cryptocurrency futures basis. This strategy has historically provided outsized risk-adjusted returns.
BASIS is a cash & carry trade flipped into a ‘zero-coupon bond’ settling at 100 at maturity. The bond trades at a discount to ‘par’ when the futures curve is in contango, and at a premium in backwardation.
FRNT's licensed technology facilitates block trading for crypto and alternative assets between clients and global market makers.
Highly customized and adaptive strategies aiming to generate enhanced returns on large holdings of crypto.